Organization structure
According to Regulation 913/2010 the Management Board of the Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor is composed of the Infrastructure Managers and the Allocation Body concerned by the Corridor, that is:
Administrador de Infrastructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF), the Infrastructure Manager of the Spanish rail network
Línea Figueras Perpignan S.A. (LFP), the Infrastructure Manger of the high speed line (passenger and freight) between Spain and France
Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français – Réseau (SNCF Réseau), the Infrastructure Manager of the French rail network
Oc’Via (Oc’Via), the Infrastructure Manager of the bypass railway line Nîmes – Montpellier
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), the Infrastructure Manager of the Italian rail network
Sž – Infrastruktura d.o.o. (Sž-Infra), the Infrastructure Manager of the Slovenian rail network
MÁV Pályaműködtetési Zrt (MÁV); the Infrastructure Manager of the Hungarian rail network
KTI Magyar Közlekedéstudományi és Logisztikai Intézet(KTI), the Hungarian Allocation Body
HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. (HŽI), the Infrastructure Manager of the Croatian rail network
The Management Board is responsible for all the management activities as identified in Regulation 913/2010.
The Management Board of Mediterranean RFC decided to take the form of an independent legal entity, that is a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG). According to this, the Management Board of Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor acts as the General Assembly of the EEIG. The General Assembly is the decision making body of the EEIG and Manuel Besteiro Galindo (ADIF) chairs it. The Management Board delegated its functions to the Permanent Management Office (PMO) headquartered in Milano, which is supervised by the General Assembly.

Governance chart
Chairman: Manuel Besteiro Galindo
EEIG Manager
Managing Director
Deputy Director
Third Manager
Raffaele Zurlo
István Pákozdi
Nikolina Ostrman
Managing Director
Deputy Director
C-OSS leader
Project Manager
Office Assistant
Raffaele Zurlo
István Pákozdi
Stephane Dastot
José Antonio Grau
Pamela Chiarappa
Working Group
Working Group
Working Group
Capacity & TCR
Working Group
Working Group
Working Group
Working Group
Bojan Kekec was the president of the EEIG until 2020, and it was replaced in April 2021 by Manuel Besteiro Galindo.
In 2022 Mr Gianpiero Strisciuglio was nominated as RFI representative replacing Mrs Vera Fiorani
The ERTMS working group is led by Stefano Marcoccio.
The Permanent Management Office
The Permanent Management Office (PMO) of Mediterranean RFC is located in Milan (Italy) in a RFI fenced area.
The Mediterranean RFC PMO is led by a Managing Director,Raffaele Zurlo, who is also one of the EEIG Managers, responsible for the management of the Corridor activities. The PMO staff is composed of István Pákozdi who is Deputy Director and Infrastructure Advisor, Stephane Dastot who is the One-Stop-Shop Leader of the Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor, José Antonio Grau, the Project Manager and Pamela Chiarappa, the Administrative Assistant.
The internationality of the team is considered as a key requirement to ensure a fair balance of representation among the partners and a corridor oriented perspective overcoming national view
Executive Board
The ExBo is chaired by the French Ministry of Transport and represented by the President Delphine Chabalier In order to exchange the best practices and to define common guidelines, a Network of Executive Boards, “NEXBO”, was established in 2017, actively supported by the board. The group meets twice a year.