ERA Extended Core Team approved the introduction into the European specifications of ADIF’s proposal

On the 7th of July, the ERA Extended Core Team approved the introduction into the European specifications of ADIF’s proposal for the use of ERTMS balises on mixed gauge sections. This meeting is part of the selection and approval process of the updates to be included in the Control Command and Signaling Technical Specifications for Interoperability (CCS TSI), the next version of which will be published in the second half of 2022.

This approval by ERA, as the entity managing the European specifications, is the result of a long reviewing process and represents regulatory support for the proposed solution once its interoperability is verified. This will open the door to its systematic implementation on ADIF sections with third rail where it is necessary to deploy ERTMS.

This news is particularly relevant for the progress of the works on the Mediterranean Corridor, where dual gauge will be deployed on several sections in order to allow the circulation of Iberian gauge and Standard gauge trains.

Its implementation will also imply important savings in direct and indirect costs, by not having to double balises on the corresponding sections.

This measure is part of the activities carried out by ADIF to enable the deployment of ERTMS on its network, guaranteeing interoperability and making progress in its digitization.

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ERA Extended Core Team approved the introduction into the European specifications of ADIF's proposal